observational findings

"...the problem about the egg and the hen, which of them came first, was dragged into our talk, a difficult problem which gives investigators much trouble. And Sulla my comrade said that with a small problem, as with a tool, we were rocking loose a great and heavy one, that of the creation of the world."          

                                        Plutarch, Table Talk, Moralia 120 AD

Six Eggs laid by Gold Lace Hen Cleo (2007); Custom Egg Carton; Feather; Dozen Eggs laid by Shinnecock Family Flock Hens; quote by Plutarch; quote by Sandrow. documenting 56 clutches (50 Hens setting on eggs, 2 clutches incubated) resulted in 172 surviving chicks (as of 2020) since 2007

A Hen lays an Egg after light-sensitive cells behind her eyes message her ovary to release an ovum into the egg yolk. Fertilized by sperm, coated by albumen, encased in shell as the egg travels through the oviduct. This creative process encompasses twenty-four hours; as the rotation of Earth on its axis.  

Hope Sandrow spacetime


Sunday, June 10, 2007

In the tradition of Duchamp’s ready-mades, the eggs that are the subject of this study are realized as chicks or shared for consumption. Observational Findings documents Shinnecock and his family flock from the first (2007) to the most recent births of chicks (2022) … displaying that life can be sustained within Sandrow’s living art installation.

The Flock’s birth rate illustrates the impact of temperature changes.

Domesticated 10,000 years ago to a global presence of 20 Billion. Current research identifies chickens as symbolic of the transformation of the biosphere, a marker of the Anthropocene impact in our times.

An estimated 31,440 (as of January 5, 2022) eggs were laid by hens during the project’s trajectory. Those not used for breeding are consumed by Sandrow and Skogsbergh and shared with family, friends, colleagues, and neighbors, The Retreat, and Shinnecock Indian Nation Food Pantry (Note 1).

Sandrow proposes a reconsideration of our relationship to nature and the natural world as we follow the unfolding story of Shinnecock and his descendants in her “living” art installation. As she and her muse Shinnecock illustrate the central premise of Michael Pollan’s seminal book The Botany of Desire “demonstrates how people and domesticated plants have formed a similarly reciprocal relationship”.

Padovana Gold Lace Hen, Cleo, with chicks.

Padovana Gold Lace Hen, Cleo, with Brielle.

Padovana Gold Lace Hen, Cleo, with chicks.

Gold Lace Hen Carina with chicks.

Padovana Chickens (aka Paduas aka Polands aka Polish) are members of an ancient breed of Fowl traced back to the Red Jungle Fowl and to feathered Avian dinosaurs 150 million years ago. Celebrated as great egg layers before the introduction of industrial farm practices that favored genetic modifications to increase egg production. A heritage breed, Padovana’s are now categorized as “strictly for ornamental use”. The study, Observational Findings documents the Flock’s Hens and their chicks who emerged from the eggs they set on (minimum 21 days). Collected over fourteen years, Sandrow’s data proves “experts” (comments stated in blue on the following pages) incorrectly classifying them as “non-setters”. The first six chicks born at open air studio Shinnecock Hills were mothered by Padovana Gold Lace Hen, Cleo, fathered by founder Padovana White Cockerel, Shinnecock (2007).

They and their progeny, plus ten hens from Breeder Sylvia Babus and fifty-nine chicks (to prevent inbreeding), gave life to one hundred seventy-five chicks as of November 2021 (documentation follows). And, in 2018, eleven chicks hatched from Shinnecock Hen’s eggs that were placed in the controlled environment of an incubator because of the extreme summer heat and humidity (optimal outdoor temperature between 60° and 80°; humidity 40 - 50%) killed chicks born under Hens. Fourteen chicks acquired from a breeder (2019); thirty-one (2020); fourteen (2021): Gold Lace Hen Carina (born 2020) brought three chicks to life (2021).

Globally, 2021 was one of four (2020, 2019, 2016) warmest years on record continuing the planet’s long-term warming trend. Modern temperature records began in 1850. The world’s five warmest years all occurred since 2015, with nine of the 10 warmest years occurring since 2005, according to scientists from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI). The Flock’s birth rate illustrates the impact of these temperature changes. In 2009, twenty-nine chicks emerged from eggshells set on by five hens; in 2010, seventeen (and one deceased) chicks came to life from four hens. In 2011, unprecedented heat during breeding season resulted in only ten chicks emerging from eggshells set on by nine Hens. In March 2012,  the Flock adapted to the changes in climate and began breeding two months earlier in March rather than as usual in May. The result was that 39 chicks emerged from eggs set on by thirteen hens doubling the Flock’s numbers. In 2013, again adjusting to conditions on the ground (including the population that can be sustained on these grounds), seven chicks were brought to life by three Hens setting on eggs and survived; four chicks by three hens in 2014; two chicks by one hen in 2015, six chicks by one hen in 2016. But in 2017 and 2018, none survived a few days after emerging from their eggshells. In 2019, one chick was brought to life by one hen.

(Note: for every birth from an eggshell, more than a hundred eggs were not selected by Hens to be set on).

In 2020, three chicks were brought to life by three hens and survived; in 2021, three chicks were brought to life by one Hen. As of, January 21, 2022, The Shinnecock Family consists of 65 Hens and 9 Roosters.

In any breed, you'll get a few who will still set. In laying situations, those hens won't be kept alive, as they're supposed to be egg producers and when they go broody they lose out on 2-3 months of production with each clutch.   

Barry Koffler, breeder of Shinnecock Flock founding Hens Cleo, Chloe, Clarissa, July 21, 2006

Note 1: Egg Cartons a subject of study In Response (mounted) 1989


observational findings untitled (lay bare)


(re)collecting an american’s dream: gissa bu